
Our ESL program is designed for current educators seeking a Michigan English as a Second Language Endorsement. You will learn relevant teaching strategies and master foreign language methodology, studying with faculty who mix strong theoretical backgrounds with notable professional experience. The ESL背书 may be taken alone (21-credits) or combined with a master's degree (30-credits). 课程长度为8周,可完全在线学习.

学分 21
每学分成本 $690





美国的人口结构正在发生变化. 更多的 than ever there are populations of 学生s who don’t share the same native language or English proficiency as many of their peers. Educators are needed who will devote their time and expertise towards making certain 学生s of all backgrounds are afforded all the opportunities that the English language makes available to them. 在这个节目中, 您将学习相关的教学策略,并在课堂上实施, while building a portfolio to demonstrate growth and competency in teaching standards. 你也会花时间在实际的课堂环境中, 获得相关领域经验, while learning how to effectively lead instruction in academic English comprehension and understanding.



The English as a Second Language (NS) Endorsement program at CUAA focuses on the acquisition of the knowledge and skills necessary for addressing the needs of English Learner 学生s in grades K-12.  作为候选人, you will apply knowledge in classroom situations beginning with the understanding of different cultures, 并进一步学习英语语言学和语法.  You will learn research-based assessments and best practices in instruction for English Learners.

课程以8周的在线形式进行. 在申请时, you'll decide whether you would like to apply for the 21-credit ESL背书 or 30-credit ESL master's option. You may pursue the 21-credit non-degree-seeking ESL (NS) Endorsement program if you already have a teaching certificate and are seeking the endorsement only. You do not have to have a master's degree to pursue the ESL endorsement option.

The second option offers you the opportunity to work on both an endorsement and master's degree at once by applying for a 30-credit Master's of Science in 课程 and Instruction with the ESL (NS) Endorsement included. 这两个项目都以加速的8周速度进行. 


  • All candidates must pass the Michigan Test for Teacher Certification in English as a Second language in order to receive the NS endorsement. CUAA拥有 测试合格率接近100% 第一次尝试获得国家安全局的认可.
  • Completed courses can be applied toward professional teacher certification in Michigan.
  • 课程被批准为计划课程.
  • Course objectives and learning outcomes are aligned with the Michigan Department of 教育 English as Second Language (NS) Standards, TESOL标准, 州际教师评估和支持联盟(InTASC)标准, 和密歇根州教师资格考试(MTTC).


  • ESL背书 program - The English as a Second Language (NS) Endorsement program is a 21-credit program for K-12 educators interested in obtaining the Michigan Endorsement in the area of English as a Second Language. When filling out the application for the endorsement program, please select non-degree seeking.
  • ESL硕士学位课程- The 课程与教学理学硕士 program with English as a Second Language (NS) Endorsement is a 30-credit program for K-12 educators seeking a master’s degree in addition to the 背书英语作为第二语言.
  • ESL with initial teaching certificate - Do you already have your bachelor's degree but you are not yet a teacher in Michigan? 想想我们的30学分 在线教师认证计划 专注于ESL课程.

Graduates from this program will be equipped with best practices in teaching advanced English vocabulary and syntax, and grasp a solid theoretical and practical foundation in the methodology of foreign language learning. 最重要的是, 研究生s emerge from their time in this program confident in their ability to educate 学生s of all English proficiencies.


这个项目的申请人可能有资格获得 不常见的奖学金. The scholarship application must be filled out and submitted online once per academic year, 在你第一次申请协和女神之后, 在课程开始之前.

  • 在线


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